It has been a crazy busy year and December has been no different. Worked extra time last week so that I could make it up to Detroit for my family Chrsitmas with the wife, brothers families, and Momma ACF. This year we got up there and hung out with the nephews until bedtime on Friday then relaxed with a cocktail as we planned out Saturday. Saturday started off with a fantastic breakfast and then we were off to the Detroit Zoo. It has been quite a while since I have been there and one of the new exhibits is the polar bear and seal enclosure with it's underwater area...really amazing. As we walked up one polar bear was playing around in the water but by the time we got down underneath he had left the water. We did get to hang out for a bit dow there though with the seals swimming laps around us. I think that this time of year is perfect for the Detroit Zoo as there was absolutley no crowd anywhere vs the standard shoulder to shoulder we would have had to deal with a few months ago.

One unexpected guest we had was the two-toed sloth in the rainforest exhibit. This particular exhibit is a large enclosure with a plank path, but nothing separating you from the forest critters. As we made our way through looking at freshwater rays, tortises, and birds there was suddenly a wide eyed look from my sister in-law as two dagger like claws slowly appeared no much more than a foot behind my wifes head. She noticed the look and immeadiately sidestepped away before turning around to see the sloth hanging out where she had been standing and getting ready to munch down some leaves. It was pretty cool to be that close to it and we were told that it is extremely rare that he comes out during the day as he is very shy.

We did of course have to get the standard prarie dog shot! It was a fun day and even more fun night as we spoiled the nephews with some pretty cool toys then spent the night playing with them. It was great to spend the time with the family and just enjoy being together as it does not happen very often. Sunday morning it was up and back on the road headed south to get back to work.
One shot I recieved from last week was this Cotton Candy eating brown from
Steve Dally out on the White River in Arkansas. They have been after the fish out there and reaping the rewards. That river has an amazing number of large streamer eating browns and we are just now getting to the time of year where the streamer fishing will be sick for the next four months or so. Definitely worth the trip out if you can get there!
A few of
Tommy Lynch's Drunk and Disorderlies for the box. Can't wait to get back out with these funky streamers and make them do the shuck and jive for some monster browns!

A fun order last week was for a local angler that loves to fish the Mallard Minnow. His daughter in-law contacted me as she was unable to find them anywhere and heard that I may be able to help, and a few days later they were ready to go. Flies tend to go in cycles and this is one soft hackle streamer that fell out of favor to the point that fly companies stopped producing them seven years ago or so. It is a solid pattern that will produce fish and easy to tie. Start with a 4XL streamer hook, wrap down a dozen or so wraps of lead, then secure a mallard flank to either side of the shank and finish with a smooth head. I hit the heads on these with
Clear Cure Goo Hydro to make sure they were glossy finished heads and no chance that a fish tooth takes them apart. I do believe he will be surprised for Christmas and happy to have enough mallard minnows to keep him in fish for quite a while.
A few Voodoos headed to the south to see about a fish.
This is about a normal load each morning for this time of year. Off to the Post Office they went with postage already taken care of as there is no way you will get me to deal with those lines! More flies being knocked out this week to get out and looking forward to relaxing with my fabulous wife for Christmas. Catch you all soon!
-mike schmidt