I had a buddy fly in to town so I rigged up the Mystics and hit the water with Mariano and Carlos on Saturday. We chose a stretch of water that is like Disneyland when there are fish around, but mysteriously this day they were not...perhaps too far up in the system...

It was a day full of walking, fishing, laughter, Crown, and Fried Dough at the Crow's Nest to top off the evening. Tough to complain about a day like that!

The biggest problem we had was really the leaves. The stretch we fished seemed to consist of one part water and one part leaves. Definitely tough to be efficient on the water when you are hooking leaves on every drift or swing! I look forward to getting back up there soon.
I was very pleased to get an email from ACF customer Don Calhoun. For a second year Don had me tie up a order of custom colored Howell Prom Dresses to take west to Silver Hilton BC. The fish of his trip measured at a 42" length with a 23" girth...coming to an astounding 32.2! Based on his email that was the second largest there since 1999, congratulations on a fantastic fish Don.

Finished up the ACF show schedule this afternoon and got the new list updated to the website. There may be a show or class added, but this should be the bulk of the list.
-International Fly Tying Symposium, Somerset NJ 11.19.2011 and 11.20.2011
-Great Lakes Council Fly Tying Expo, Holt MI 12.03.2011
-Indiana on the Fly, Indianapolis IN 01.07.2012
-The Fly Fishing Show, Somerset 01.27.2012 - 01.29.2012
-Buckeye United Fly Fishers Fly Tying Expo, Cincinnati OH 02.04.2012
-Kentuckiana Fly Expo, Louisville KY 02.11.2012
-Bar Flies with Schultz Outfitters, Ann Arbor MI 02.15.2012
-Celebration of Fly Tying, Grand Rapids MI 2.25.2012
-Midwest Fly Fishing Expo, Warren MI 03.10.2012 and 03.11.2012
Hopefully I will see many of you at the shows this year.
Now back to getting everything in order for the Somerset show this weekend!
-mike schmidt