The Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) 2012
Gateway Film Center
1550 North High St.
Columbus OH
Thursday, March 8, 2012
(6:00pm - 9:30pm)
Tickets can be purchased online at http://flyfilmtour.com/buy-tickets for $15, or in store at Mad River Outfitters www.madriveroutfitters.com 614-451-0363 for $12.
Local event sponsors include: Trout Unlimited, Mad River Outfitters, Central Ohio Fly Fishers, and Miami Valley Fly Fishers. Industry professionals and non-profit organizations will be in the lobby before the films begin to meet with guests: Project Healing Waters, The Fiberglass Manifesto, Angler's Choice Flies, Central Ohio Fly Fishers, Mad River Outfitters, Steelhead Alley Outfitters, and more...
Don't forget to bring some cash. There are some outstanding raffle prizes that you won't want to miss out on!
Adventure film tour showcases global locales while supporting local businesses and filmmakers
Fly fishing’s most celebrated annual event, the Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T), the original and largest event of its kind begins its continent-wide trek January 26th. The traveling spectacle serves as a stage for the best filmmakers in the industry, an avenue for supporting critical conservation groups, an expo for local outfitters, and one heck of a party for growing outdoor enthusiasts and avid anglers alike.
With never-seen footage from across the globe, a party atmosphere, audience giveaways and valuable coupons, the annual high-energy spectacle is the sport’s most anticipated live-event. This year’s tour will make stops in over 125 cities across the U.S. and Canada. Along the way local businesses, conservation groups, filmmakers and fans all stand to benefit from each screening.
“Our goal in doing this is to share our passion and support the sport we love”, says F3T producer Chris Keig. “This year our tour will donate over $30,000 dollars to filmmakers. We’ll work in conjunction with over 175 local business and 150 conservation groups, and we’ll be giving away over $350,000 in prizes to fans who come see us. It’s important people know that walking the talk is at our core.”
This year’s spectacle includes a more diverse set of content than any prior year or any other tour. “We have something for everyone”, says F3T Filmmaker and Road Manager Thad Robison. “From scrappy Steelhead in Kodiak, AK to 100-pound jumping Tarpon in the Florida keys, from places you may have been to destinations we probably couldn’t find on a map if we tried.” Other featured destinations (and fish) include the Bahamas (Bonefish), the Northwest Territories (Grayling and Arctic Char), the jungles of Belize, Scotland, Montana, British Columbia, Wisconsin, Silver Creek, Idaho and more.
With nearly 75% of the shows selling out in advance, the F3T is the fastest growing event of its kind. “We hear from people constantly who couldn’t get tickets, or want us to bring the tour to their town”, Robison says. “As far as tickets go, we recommend our fans visit our local retail sponsors where they can get discounted tickets.”
As for adding screenings, Robison continues, “We’re adding markets each year but we have a program setup where we partner with fans to put on their own show. It’s a great way to raise money for a local group. We help with the marketing and they get to put on a screening, have a great time and make some money.”
The Fly Fishing Film Tour is produced by Webeye Group, LLC. It is presented by Costa, and sponsored by Patagonia, Sage, Hardy Reels, Yeti Coolers, Scientific Anglers, Trout Unlimited, Mountain magazine, El Pescador, Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, and is presented in HD by the Outdoor Channel.
Hope to see you there...personally I can't wait!
-mike schmidt