Monday, February 14, 2011

The boys are back in town...White River fish porn!

There are a lot of ACF streamers probing the White River this year. Just back in town from what seems to have been a pretty solid trip is the crew from northern Michigan's 'Streamside Custom Rod and Guide Service' ( Kelly, Erik, and Adam headed out and made it through some hellish driving conditions to basically make it straight to the river and get the party started. Targetting the big fish was the game, and these guys were swinging for the fences throwing big streamers.

Erik with a 26 inch White River brown that devoured a 6 inch glow in the dark Double Deceiver.

Same 26 inch fish fish down in the water. Thick!

Adam holding up a brown that went for a custom 7 inch Double Deceiver that was basically in brown trout colors, but had a bit of orange in it.

Kelly with a brown that went 'nom nom nom' on a Fin Clip.

Erik holding up a slab male sporting an 8 inch Cotton Candy Rainbow in it's maw.

To say I am jealous of this trip is not necessary...I think that goes without saying. By all accounts the White River is an amazing fishery, and is high on my list of must do trips in the short term. Glad the guys had a good time despite the weather and looking forward to catching up with them up on the Au Sable this spring.

I posted these and a few other shots on the ACF Photography page.

-mike schmidt

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